Writing is not a hobby.
Writing USED to be a hobby.
Now writing is a necessity because I'm driven to do it.
This is where I shout it out when someone's doing something impressive that should be, must be, shared. I'll either share it here, or leave a notice here that I've written an article about it elsewhere.
I use my little spot on blogger as a journal, at least most of the time. I decided to get more serious about my journal postings when facebook began cramping my style.
We writers from Kentucky need wide-open spaces to write in (figuratively). Here I can include photos, maps, fonts, colors and backgrounds of my choice. Believe me, my work is much more fun when I've been playing with the control panel. However, nearly ANYTHING looks better than facebook's blue and white. (Gak!!)
I hope you'll like what you read. I hope you'll leave COMMENTS, good or bad, at least I'll know if I'm making an impact with subjects that SHOULD make an impact.
That's the quest!
To make an impact. To move you. To fire you up and make you at least contemplate.
Each time I do that, I've succeeded, and then I have to try to do it all over again with the very next post.
My regards and I hope you enjoy the journey with me,
femmeflashpoint/Angelia Phillips