Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Honors Page & The Bishop is Back!

The good news is, my Android was recovered.  The bad news is, there are more pits and scratches on the screen than there were before.

I'm not complaining.  I'm just happy that this time it only fell on the ground, and not in a toilet.

The other good news is, the Honors page for veterans on my weblog is coming along nicely.  I've sent out loads of email requests, and have been receiving photos from here and there of veterans to post on the page.  It's one of the best projects I've ever gotten to work on, and I'm thrilled that it's getting a good response.

If you've got a photo of a military veteran special to you, you're welcome to send it to me and I'll be happy to add them to the page.  You can reach me at  I prefer the photos to be of those in uniform, however, it's not an absolute.  You can send what you wish, and it will get posted.

I've also been building a new photo-blog site for Alicia (Nee), which is looking really good as well.  At least, it does to me, but I've shown it to a few others who like it too.  (See?  I actually DO get other peoples' opinions on things when I need to, lol.)  Nee's site has taken up several weeks worth of time at the keyboard, but it's been worth it.  She really does have some stunning photography, and I'm truthfully not saying that because she's my sister.  I'm saying it because her work is beautiful, moving and unique.  When grown men have gotten teary-eyed and emotional while perusing her portfolio, she's doing something right.  Once her blogsite with the online gallery is up and running, her work will be available for the first time for online purchase via associated websites.

Working on her project, as well as a couple of my own, and one other editing project I'm in the middle of, has kept me away from the Hub, other than one article I wrote last week.  And, until I get situated with a hotspot for my laptop, I can't keep up with the other writers' works on the Hub very well either. Guessing I'll have to resolve that ASAP, but I haven't had the time to attend to it yet.  It used to be easier when I could access it during the night shift, when things were slow, and BMW owners were mostly asleep and not riding around needing help.  However, they've done an update with our programs, even from my own laptop, and now I'm unable to access the Hub, or my blog during my down time on the shift.

I've also decided to move forward with literary reviews, whether I can post purchase links for Barnes & Noble or not.  Hopefully, the decline remains temporary, and my monthly read numbers will come up high enough for me to allow me to be an affiliate for them.  In the meantime, I'll simply post the authors' websites, and readers can navigate from there to purchase their work.

I'm not a sales-person,  however, I can't NOT promote good stuff when I come across it.  I usually feel privileged that I found it in the first place, and I'm inclined to share and spread the word.

Another good bit of news is, the Bishop is back!  Bishop Spencer K. McCool Sr., had some of us concerned with his recent absence from facebook following a death in his family.  His absence was much longer than expected and he was missed  by many.  I even had people who read his posts via my page, (I always share what he writes), emailing me, worried, asking where he was, if he was coming back, and if there was anything they could do to help.

You see, Bishop?  You making an impact. :)

All of us who read his posts are relieved and happy to have him back at his keyboard with the sunrise, doing one of those things he does so well, and that so many readers appreciate that he takes the time to do.

That's all for this one.  I've got to get back to Mr. Peretti's latest, and get a workout in before my shift starts tonight.  I hope to finish it up in time to have a review posted on the Hub for it tomorrow.

God bless, take care, and don't forget to thank a vet while you're out and about!



Anonymous said...

Hi Femme,
Good morning,
I sure could relate to a couple issues..phones in toilets..yes I understand..phones in coffee cup between legs while driving..thats another is
I am so far behind in reading too..have several projects going on and just are falling further behind..
I hope you are doing well..always nice to see your blog pop up..
Just to let you know I started a personal blog if you ever are board stiff..haha just to say hello.
Have a blessed Sunday!
Big hugs,

Unknown said...

Good morning back Sunnie!

Thanks so much for the read and the "101 Ways To Ruin Your Mobile" share, lol.

I set one of mine down in my coffee cup while driving too. So far, none of my phones float, and none of them have been coffee proof or toilet water proof.

No worries about being behind d/t working on projects. That's a GOOD thing! :) It's a whole lot better than being behind, not working on projects, and having writer's block, lol.

And, yes, I would love to stop and say hello on your personal blog! I was soooo hoping we could snag you away from wordpress, to join the blogger-bunch. :)

However, you're Sunnie Day, and we're gonna read your stuff and visit your blog regardless of which side of the street you build it on, lol.

Have a blessed day as well and big hugs back!
