Sunday, June 17, 2012


With the state elections, primary elections and the Texas Republican Convention behind us, there seems to be a bit of breath-catching going on.

It won't last long with National Convention coming up soon, but the short reprieve has been appreciated by several folks who've been working very hard on the campaign trail.

I was thrilled to hear Jennifer Hall won the election for Tarrant County Chair, and equally happy to hear Jonathan Stickland has been elected as Texas State Representative in District 92. 

Jen Hall addressing guests at the Lincoln Day dinner 2012.
Jonathan Stickland with two of his main ladies at the
Fort Worth Stockyards.

It's nice to see hard work pay off, and see folks who are committed to being constitutionally-adherant representatives of "We The People" make it into positions to where they have opportunities to make the changes needed to restore liberty.  You know?  The sort of liberty promised to U.S. citizens in the U.S. Constitution?  I haven't experienced it yet, but it's exciting reading about it.  It'd be phenominal if it was actually brought back into existence.  I'm right fond of the idea of liberty, and very thankful to those who are working so hard to get it restored to U.S. citizens.

Election day was a gut-buster for both candidates and campaigners.  There was also some sorry-sneaky-business going on in attempts to throw wrenches in the works.  I'll be happy to give you a wider explanation on that a bit later.  There's no way to make it pretty, but Texas voters in my area should be made aware of it in event they see those folks on ballots any time in the future.  Falsifying Tarrant County Republican Club - PAC endorsement cards is downright naughty.  And, for the record, Jen Hall and Jonathan Strickland were endorsed by the TCRC - PAC. :)

For now, I'd like to extend my thanks to the employees of the Subway on N. Beach in Fort Worth.  When Lukas and I showed up during the lunch-rush on election day, asking for 26 foot-long subs, and an equal amount of chips, this bunch made it happen and didn't complain.  Two of them put our order together while the third managed the other orders coming through in the line behind us.  They even boxed everything up so we could get it to the car easier and deliver them to folks working the polls throughout Fort Worth. 

In the midst of the election and convention flurry, my compadres and I at my "other" job have been enduring the stress of transition that comes with a company buy-out.  Those of us who were hired by the previous owners, came onto our jobs as emergency response agents.  The new owners have restructured our positions to include, and require sales ... as in actually selling and having to make a quota.

I've never liked sales, and have never enjoyed the company of, or even trusted, many sales people.  I can think of about five that I actually consider to have enough integrity for me to consider them to be decent people.

I'm not alone in my attitude towards sales and sales people, and with the stress that has been piled on our shoulders in regards to this new requirement, the transition has not been an easy, or an enjoyable one.

In their attempt to maintain as positive of an environment as is possible where sales is the name of the game, S.Elf and April-May-June have outdone themselves in providing smiles via effervescent attire.


If only you could hear
her impression of a Yankee-Bridezilla. :)
She really should get her own show ...

April-May-June, the Birthday Diva, and Queen S.Elf, who sewed the entirety of the medievil gown she's wearing.
I've been informed that this is how the West was won ....
Being in good company while at work tends to keep my locked jaw and teeth-grinding to a minimum.

Just a heads up, there are new photos and commentary in the Pack Rides blog that's worth having a look at, especially if you have a bike and live in the Indiana-Kentucky-Illinois tri-state area.  Just click the link.  It'll get you there ... to the blog, not the tri-state.

To all you good DADS out there, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!
That's it for this one.  Thank you for the read!  God bless you, and don't forget to thank a Veteran at your next opportunity!



Lethal Leprechaun said...

Shenanigans?! (aka Leprechaun leavings)

I categorically deny any involvement in any political intrigue or backroom dealing, at least in the DFW area,(as yet) and that goes for being responsible for and perceived malarky up there either!

Unknown said...


No worries. We all know it's usually S.Elf that's behind the instigation of shenanigans in the DFW Metroplex.

In some things, the Irish are simply unstoppable, lol.


Lethal Leprechaun said...

'Tis said (by the Irish) that The Almighty invented Whiskey to distract us and keep us from taking over the world!

Unknown said...


I can't argue with the Irish sentiment.

Sounds very reasonable to me. :)


molometer said...

As long as it's Irish whiskey it's fine. :)

Unknown said...

LOL, Michael. :)

Irish Whiskey has it's merits.

Of course, if I were still imbibing, I'd have to go with bourbon, blended by Kentucky-Scots.

Sadly, the tribal genetics I've inherited, tend me make me feel ill regardelss of which one I swizzle.

But, both still work great to marinate a chicken in, lol!


Anonymous said...

LL, encase you haven't noticed I major in Shenanigans with minors in Malarky, Mischievousness and High Jinks. If there is foolishness going on I am sure to be involved or leading the charge.

Great pic's Femme Ms. April May June looks fabulous. Congrat's to Jen ans Jonathan. Keep smiling, It make them wonder what you're up to.

See Ya,
S. Elf

Unknown said...


Thank you for stopping by!

I believe there must be a conspiracy afoot.

The Irish are everywhere and up to something,lol.


SMILLE said...