Score another point for Seth Hall, Chairman of Precinct 4124, Republican Party.
Seth Hall (R), when he's not working for We The People, you can often find him at his other occupation, working as a Grip-Electric in film industry. |
Thankfully, Seth is always very gracious in his correction. He never says I'm wrong, but rather steps in gently to share information. I'm happy he did, because my error was an important one to correct.
In one of our many conversations, I referred to the United States as a democracy. We are in fact (at least, as outlined by the United States Constitution) a Republic. And, the difference between the two is drastic.
The difference between a Republic and a Democracy is critical. In a Democracy, the majority has unlimited power over a minority, and it provides no legal safeguards for individual rights.
In a Republic, the majority is constrained by a written constitution, in which an individual's (and/or a minority's) rights are protected. The purpose of a Republic is to The purpose of a Republic form of government is to control the majority and to protect the God-given, inalienable rights and liberty of the individual.
Not long ago, I was personally informed that the U.S. Constitution was merely a pretty piece of poetry and that it has never been effective. It's true that it's only effective in protecting my rights as an individual, and YOURS, if it's adhered to. But, I do have to argue that it's much more than a pretty piece of poetry. The adherence bit has been ignored since it was written, at least in my estimation.
Racism, sexism and slavery, should never have been tolerated amongst a people that considered themselves to be civilized. Thomas Jefferson was brilliant, and went above and beyond in his attempt to ensure the protection of individual freedoms ... of the white, male citizenry. Thankfully, when the preamble described the citizens of the United States, it referred to those citizens as "We the people" when ordaining and establishing the U.S. Constitution.
Maybe he overlooked that the description of "We the people" encompassed all citizens. I find that hard to believe, but stranger things have happened. Regardless of the reason he penned it the way he did, it legally applies to me, to you, and to every other U.S. citizen, regardless of race, sex, or religion.
It is also the written establishment of a government classified as a Republic, not a Democracy.
A further breakdown of Republic and Democracy, is in the two major political platforms that represent them. The basic platform differences between Democrat and Republican parties is:
Republicans believe in small government, individual responsibility for social issues, and that people should keep the money they earn; Democrats believe that man may fundamentally be perfected. As a result, this requires larger government and higher taxes (someone else's money) to pay for it all.
No wonder I'm a Republican, and no wonder I have a strong distrust and general dislike for RINOs (Republicans In Name Only). Mitt Romney would qualify as one of those.
Mr. Romney may be registered as a candidate with the Republican Party, however, his track record shows that he signed into law a good many things that are a violation of individual rights. It's everyone's choice to support, or not support him. However, as a Christian individual, I find myself to be prohibited from voting for Romney due to his gross breach of the Republican platform.
So far, with only the power of being a governor, he assisted in getting gun control laws put into effect in Massachusetts. He went from publically dissing the NRA (National Rifleman's Association) before he decided to run for U.S. President to playing nice with them shortly before tossing his hat in the candidates' ring.
In 1994, during his race against Senator Ted Kennedy, Romney stated, "I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country." In 2002, during his campaign for governor he said, "I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose and am devoted and dedicated to honoring my word in that regard."
Another thing I've been mulling over, after researching Mr. Romney's stance on issues important to me, regarding this walking/talking contradiction is, he's a Mormon. I don't care if he's a Mormon. I'm only perplexed at how he can be both a creationist and an evolutionist. I read his explanation on how he claims to be both, but true to form, the entirety of his explanation was what? A contradiction. In fact, after I read it, I decided that someone had finally made Rick Perry look good. That bit impressed me because I honestly thought it was impossible to achieve.
There's also his promise, listed on, that says, if elected as president, his first day in office he'll be giving an executive order to get Obamacare waivers issued to every state. Why does he trash Obama regarding universal health care, when he's been such a huge fan of socialized medicine? He loved it so much, he made sure it was implemented it (RomneyCare) way back in 2006, for the residents of Masschusetts. In fact, it was such a success that I can only say ... I'm really, really thankful that I don't have to live in Massachusetts.
In my consideration of Mr. Romney, I couldn't help but develop a mental association of him with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He can be listed on the ballot as a Republican, but I'm convinced the guy is as much of a Republican as I am an athiest.
And didn't his wife support an abortion clinic.
I read of it occuring only once, in 1994, when Planned Parenthood reported that Ann Romney submitted to them a donation of $150. She is "reportedly" pro-life as well, these days, and is currently serving as the co-chairman of the Massachusetts Citizens For Life.
The orginizations mission statement is as follows: In recognition of the fact that each human life is a continuum from conception to natural death, the mission of Massachusetts Citizens For Life, Inc. is to promote respect for human life and defend the right to life of all human beings, born and pre-born. We will influence public policy at the local, state and national levels through comprehensive educational, legislative, political and charitable activities.
Romney says at one time he was "effectively pro-choice", but now he is "effectively pro-life." He said his mind-change occurred during the embryonic stem cell research and cloning debate in Massachusetts.
For whatever reason, dismemberment and removal of a fetus (be it suctioned or cut apart), or or torching one with a saline injection, or whatever other methods might be available, wasn't enough to tear at his heart strings, but embryonic stem cell resarch and cloning caused him to rethink what he could be in support of.
IF you cannot remember that this is a Republic maybe you need to consider going back to saying the Pledge of Allegiance everyday and reading it from a script rather than blowing through it from memory until the fact sinks in as deeply as the words!
I feel sufficiently shamed. ;)
Well since you're not going to cover this over with another post (I've already reminded you that you PROMISED and OWE me a post on a particular subject dear to BOTH our hearts) I guess I might as well take you to school then.
Park it boot class is in session and there WILL be a test afterwards.
Lets see if these two famous patriotic Americans can remedially educate you on our Government by discussion the meaning behind the Pledge of Alligence
Red & The Pledge - Red Skelton dissects and explains the Pledge of Allegiance.
John Wayne and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Now, go sit and ruminate on the words of those two American icons and patriots a wee while.
I hear you, and I've not forgotten about the future blog post on the subject that is near and dear to you.
However, I do have good reason for the delay. Nee is in town, and we've been prepping for a writers' conference, which starts this evening. As well as readying for that, we've been tied up with setting up a new joint-website, where both of our blogs will be kept, as well as several other things.
We've had to move the website and the writers' conference to the top of the priority list due to having so little time to collaborate in person.
Past that, THANK YOU for posting links to patriots, Red Skelton and John Wayne!
It's an awesome contribution!!!
Your sole remaining coffee cup may be in danger from marauding ninja cats!
Post a new blog to avoid this threat!
I promise I'm trying to get to it, lol.
We've been site building and content editing from morning 'til morning (literally), since we got back from Oklahoma on Monday.
I'm hoping to link the blogs to the site when it's finished, before I post the next one.
I think rather than my D-Laffs cup being confinscated, Ninja Cat should consider taking Nee's cameras away from her for a few days, until I can get what shots she has in her collection, situated in the on-line gallery.
We've sorted through nearly 3,000 so far, and have about 1,500 to go.
Ninja cat thinks dragging a camera about would be bad for the camera and too noisy to be stealthy.
She suggests that she just might steal the memory cards instead and bury them someplace that they are not likely to be found anytime say under the pile of notes you maintain on future post?
Please pass to Ninja Cat that the notes are being shifted from my bed to my chair, depending on which I happen to be using (moreoften, they're on the bed, because I've been spending more time at my desk than sleeping), and if she'd like to stay awhile and give us a "paw", she's welcome to join the melee.
I'm not sure you'd find her paw a 'help'. Not unless you like fighting for your touch pad and can type one handed whilst petting a cat who is laying across you leg and 1/2 the keyboard too
WARNING: Unable to locate Patience&Understanding.exe! This program has become unresponsive and unexpectedly terminated.
Dispatching Ninja Cat for coffee cup assault!
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