Sunday, July 24, 2011

Heat, Spider Bites & A Blender ...

Last Friday was a full eight hours of loads and loads of new data and data review in training class.  I got to sleep in until 4 that morning.  I was in hopes that I'd manage to have enough energy when I got home (after 5 that afternoon) to head to the park with the boys & Torres for at least an hour of riding.  I managed to pull it off, and for more than an hour.  Your welcome to read more about that evening's bang-ups and blunders on the Where The Rubber Meets The Road blog, same place as this one.  (In fact, there are two of them because I can't find a control to delete the one I made accidentally.)

Saturday morning was supposed to begin at 0500.  However, at some point while sleeping, I messed with my alarm clock, and moved the button from VERY LOUD to the regular sound setting.  It had been going off for over and hour before I woke up and noticed it.  I learned ages ago to keep my alarm clock out of reach, and for that very reason.  People who sleep walk, or carry on animated conversations while snoozing probably shouldn't keep their alarm clocks close enough to be unconciously manipulated while they're sleeping.  Obviously, I dropped my guard, didn't make a check before I fell asleep, and it fouled up my morning.

I woke up with fifteen minutes to get changed and squared away before heading to a park in mid-cities to help set up a promotional sign painting task with the Ron Paul group.  I made it on time, barely, and a morning rush with too little sleep, a foggy head and no coffee went over with me like someone asking me to go clothes shopping at a mall.  (I hate shopping.) 

Since I'm still working out the controls on this blog, and I'm cramped for time, I stuck a few of the pix in below this, that I managed to get during the event.  I know it's not a great spot for them, and they're not artfully arranged, but I'm counting on you to be understanding. (Smile!)

 (This guy is an emergency rescue responder, who specializes in arial rescues.  If you crash into a crevice where only a parachutist can get to you ... he's da man!  He's really good as a spray-paint operator too.)

   (McGuyver, doing what he does best, trying to figure out ways to make it better.)

  (Here are a few of the on-the-ground crew.)

 (A creek near where we were working.  It was sooooo hard to not drop everything and go running for a splash.)

Thankfully, my fellow patriots were accomodating, and after we got things set up, I was able to leave the park for a few minutes.  I headed to a local shop for a supply of fresh coffee and a super-size can of Monster Blue.  Those two liquids and four Ibuprofen put me to rights in less than half an hour.

I spent the first half of doing my part on the ground, helping cut out a template.  The company was great, but having to squirm around on the grass to keep a workable position became frustrating.  I finally just stretched out, balanced on my elbows, and it worked GREAT, until some tiny creature bit me twice on the thigh.  By that point, my part was finished, and I was only in the way of the person working next to me, so I moved on to help at another station. 

The work wasn't hard, once I could do it standing instead of sprawled on the ground, trying to not lacerate myself with an Exacto-blade and a box-cutter.  During which process I kept getting verbal warnings from McGuyver (Jonathan Hall) to please be careful to cut only the sign and not myself.  I proudly assured him that of all the times I've cut myself with a scalpel, the blade always stopped at the bone, that all of my digits are still intact, and I only incurred minor scarring.

As the morning wore on, the shade became scarce and the heat kept climbing.  The gang had gathered rocks to hold the wet signs in place until they dried, which - no kidding - took mere minutes in the sun.  But as light as they were, shifting them from place to place during the process took it's toll on a few of us, and we ended up feeling rather sick before the event was finished.  For the few of us who wimped out towards the end, there were several more who persevered until the job was complete.   They were hot, tired and sweat-soaked, but they kept on going.  And because of their hard work and determination, we have some great-looking signs en-route to Iowa for Senator Paul's campaign.

A friend on facebook posted something I love, and it lists several reasons why there are those of us who support Ron Paul.  I'm hoping he won't mind if I place it here.  I loved how he put it, so I'm including it.  It explains the reason that makes the work and sweating worth it for us.

Stuart Grant (via facebook)
Has Ron Paul stayed in congress for the posh retirement, nope, he opted out of that. Maybe it's their great healthcare plan, nope, he opted out of that as well. Maybe it is their regular pay raises, nope, he voted against every one of those as well.

Every year he returns the unused portion of his annual budget to the Sec of Treas instead of giving his staff a beefy bonus like the rest of both the dems and republicans do! He stands alone!

I spent the greater part of Saturday afternoon in the A/C recovering from the heat exposure, and didn't get to study for a test coming up tomorrow.  Nor did I get to write the book review I have on my agenda for author, Tarrin Lupo.  Tarrin has two books out, in event you'd like to read them.  (I encourage you to do so - Tarrin's a very talented guy.)  The titles are Pirates of Savannah and Catch That Collie!  (My sincere apologies to Tarrin for being so late in the review - but cross my heart I'll get on it as soon as I can get through this weeks training.)

Today was maxed out as well with too much activity.  Several weeks ago, my mobile phone went for a swim.  I was able to get it dried out enough to use it, at least half-way, for about three weeks.  Today, the reprieve ended, and it gave up the ghost.  Jared, one of the muscle next-door who is exceptionally talented with all electronic gadgets, went with me to pick out a replacement and upgrade.  He also went with me to scope out cycle equipment.  I have finally had to break down and buy a cycle helmet so the bike-police won't run me out of the park.  Yes - I look like a dork in it but it makes for a great concussion-preventative.   

Midway through browsing the cycle paraphanalia, I looked down and noticed that the bite mark on my leg was welping and had grown into a red circle bigger than a teacup saucer.  When I got home I taped a magnet to it.  It's already looking much better and stopped itching.  It's weird how magnets work, but they do.  And, I didn't have to smear any medicinal goop on it.

I finally managed to put in some study time this afternoon through this evening.  No joke, I feel like my mind's been whirled in a blender, then strained through a sieve.  I kept at it until I couldn't keep at it any longer and have now set it aside until I can tackle it again at 3:30 tomorrow morning.  (Yes, I've checked my alarm clock and ensured it's out of reach.)

The training experience I've been involved in the last three weeks has been less than likeable.  The people I've met in class come from interesting backgrounds (I'm referring to their personal backgrounds), and they've been fun to be in training with.  But, the data comes at us so fast and there's so much of it that my mind has truly floundered in attempting to retain it all.  So, for as much as I've disliked it, there's one thing about it that's still amazing me.  God has managed to move the mountain of my memorization-ineptitude, and helped me keep on passing the tests with high scores, after I bombed the first one.  I truly began to pray for help in earnest after the first test fiasco.  It was humiliating.  Since then, things have turned around and, once more, I'm counting on Him to to move another mountain in the morning around 0730.

At best guess, He's already got it under control and taken care of it before my alarm goes off, and I'm HUGELY thankful for His help.  I'm also thankful for the prayers-to-pass in my behalf from family and friends as well.

That's pretty much all I had in mind to cover with this.  I've gotta sign-off and get some sleep before the rooster starts crowing.  God bless, and thanks for the read!


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