Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Getting there ....

I've had two days off to 'recupe'.  The first day, I took turns sleeping and reading.  I'm not liking this sleeping in spurts business.  So far, I'm not very good at it. Hopefully, after a bit of practice, I'll improve.

I managed to finish Tarrin Lupo's book, Pirates of Savannah, which was a great read, by the way, and also managed to finally get a review posted for it on  Tarrin's got a wonderful imagination, and that coupled with discipline, and a very good talent for word-smithing and research has put him at the top of an impressive e-book list.

Personally, I'd have rather read it from the pages of a real book, but due to time constraints and the fact that I don't live next door to a bookstore, I lowered my standards and read it from an electronic device.  It wasn't the preferred way to read it, but on occasion I gotta improvise.

Hopefully, the Young Adult version will be out soon (that genre tends to be my favorite these days), and then I can recommend it to everyoneee. :)  Keep up the good work Tarrin, and you'll be competing with Frank Peretti for my literary attention. 

That would be a trip.  Tarrin's Jewish and Peretti is Christian, but talent's talent and a good read is a good read.

As for my own works in progress, the hold-up is lifting, and I hope to have my sleep issues ironed out in a very short while.  Then I'll be back to keyboard pounding and working my way towards actually completing two projects thave have been way too long in the making.

I've been blessed with the services of Mr. Don Proctor for editing, as well as art support from Alicia Phillips and Carolyn Mason.  In  my estimation, that sums up to be a pretty good team.  Alicia's also assisting with story support.  She didn't volunteer, but she didn't say "no" either.  Her imagination is a little bigger than mine, but her spelling leaves a great deal to be desired.  Poor spelling we can fix.  The imagination part, well, two imaginations are better than one, yes?

Anyway, I'm heading out shortly to put in my overnight at ATX.

Thx for the listen, and enjoy your evening.


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