Tuesday, May 29, 2012

In The Line Up

Early voting in Tarrant County, Texas is at an end, and this morning the polls are open for those of us who intend to vote during the "regularly scheduled" hours.

We have some interesting folks running for office this season, a few of whom I'd like to tell you about.

Jennifer Hall is running for re-election as Tarrant County Republican Chairman/woman/person (however you wanna say it, and feel politically correct, if it's important to you - I'm open for suggestions), and she's already made an impressive mark her first time through.

She's not one of those folks who are Republican in name only, aka a RINO, she's actually constitutionally adherant.  (That's become my new favorite term lately.  If they don't qualify for that, I won't vote for them.  She does, so I will.)

Jennifer Hall
Jennifer has been the only candidate not just willing, but committed, to working full time as the County Chair, and has maintained incredibly gruelling hours during her time in the position thus far.  In only five months she brought the County party from being in debt, to being $45,000 banked and debt free.  She also restored the Lincoln Day fundraiser from planned cancellation to a sold-out event and won the fight to preserve the traditional Republican delegate election process in Tarrant County.  Also, she was the only County Chair who fought for the Precinct Conventions to be maintained rather than being skipped, and going straight to the Senate District conventions. 

She's not only demonstrated fiscal responsibility, she's worked hard to unify Tarrant County Republicans to work together toward their common goals, and is still striving to restore values amongst the administration of the party.  For more information on Jennifer Hall, go to Jennifer Hall Tarrant County GOP Chair

Jonathan Stickland
Jonathan Stickland is another one in the line up.  He's running for Texas State Representative and he's set the bar high.  Jonathan desires to maintain a pro business environment, and get rid of frivolous lawsuits, as well as reduce regulation, effectively getting big government out of the way and making room for employers to actually employ.

Jonathan believes there should be no new taxes implemented due to revenue not being a problem, but wasteful government spending being the problem.  That should make him really popular with voters, and very un-popular with a whole lot of folks currently holding elected office. 

He advocates family values and, as a Christian, is markedly pro-life.

Jonathan wants to stop the drain of illegal immigration on our state budget and increase the quality and efficiency of education by getting monies back into the classrooms and out of the hands of bureaucrats. 

Campaigning during early election: Cedron Garrett,
Taylor Shaw, Mia Hutchens and
Jonathan Stickland.
He's not a socialist, and is not in support of socialized medicine.  He also plans to protect the constitutional right to keep and bear arms.  For more information on Jonathan and his views on conservative leadership, limited government, family values and personal responsibility, please go to his website at JonathanStickland.com.

Craig Bickley is running for Tarrant County Commissioner and has plans to return local government to the taxpayers.  He's been active in politics since high school and from there has served as a precinct chair, GOP state convention delegate, and on the SD12 Platform Resolutions Committee.  He's also served as the VP of Communication with the Tarrant County Republican Club and on the Northwest Independent School District Long Term Planning Committee.

Craig Bickley
Craig is also wanting to require fiscal responsibility with tax payer's dollars and government transparency.  It's the citizens government, and the citizens monies that are being spent.  Craig believes the citizens have a right to know where their money is being spent and the reasons behind the decisions to spend it.

The Commissioners Court oversees a budget that is HUGE!!  It's nearly half a billion dollars, and it's largely funded through property taxes.  For more information on Craig, go to craigbickley.com.

Giovanni Capriglioni and family
Giovanni Capriglioni is running for State Representative.  He wants to strengthen the Texas economy with a "Pro Job/Pro Growth Strategy."  He's the only candidate in this race who has signed the Americans for Tax Reform Taxpayer's Pledge, and is committed to not raising taxes. 

Giovanni's website reports that in Texas alone, over 80,000 unborn children are put to death.  (I term it that way because a fetus has it's own unique DNA.)  I find that number to be staggering.  Giovanni has been a champion in the right to life for these children, and wants to ensure that ALL taxpayer money is stopped from being funnelled to Planned Parenthood and other orginizations with similar practices.

He's an advocate of the U.S. Constitutional right to bear arms by a free citizenry.  He's pro increasing government transparency, is a member of the NRA and active in the fight for the right of U.S. citizenry to bear arms.  For more information on Giovanni, go to http://votegiovanni.com/issues/.

Matt Krause and family
Matt Krause is running for the Texas House of Representatives in District 93.  He's opposed to implementing a state income tax, wants education monies actually put towards educators and students, and is an advocate of the right to bear arms.  Per Matt, "A well armed citizenry is a good check and balance against and over-zealous government.  The 2nd Amendment is a catalyst of a society of freedom and liberty."

Matt wants Texans to stop relying on the federal government for funding and assert their own state sovereignty as well as keep Washington D.C. out of citizens personal lives and other areas, such as healthcare and the EPA.  For more information on Matt, go to http://texansformattkrause.com/issues/.

J. Kevin Carey
J. Kevin Carey is running for 153rd District Court Judge.  Mr. Carey states he believes, "the constitution clearly defines the role of judges as deciding disputs, not making laws."  He wants to ensure that laws passed by Texas Legislature are constitutionally adherant, to stop the waste of taxpayers' monies being spent on frivilous lawsuits and ensure that the courtroom is a place where all who come there are treated fairly by bringing common sense back into the courtrooms, where peoples' lives are directly effected by the outcome of the courts' actions.

These are the ones that I'm in support of, and believe their interest lies with "we, the people."

I hope you'll make an effort to get out and vote today.

God bless you!  Thank you for the read, and don't forget to thank a Veteran at your next opportunity!



Lethal Leprechaun said...

Dragon - Leprechaun 2012


Leprechaun - Dragon 2012

Vote for realistic common sense Government before its too late!

Unknown said...


It was a tight tight finish on the Tarrant County Republican Chair, but many of us are very happy with most of the results.

I would have granted you a vote, but I didn't see your names on the ballot. ;)


Lethal Leprechaun said...

We're running grass root Independent campaign for the big one.

I'm personally dying to leave a size 13 EEEEE boondocker print on Obama's arrogant backside at the door to the White House next January 20th

Lethal Leprechaun said...

Apparently you never want to drink real coffee out of one of your mugs again!

Unknown said...

Not true, Lethal. :)

I have a blog nearly finished, but can't post it until this evening.

I have a meeting for a final edit on a friend's book this morning, and then an interview with business owner this afternoon, and after that, a back adjustment.

See? I'm making headway. :)


Lethal Leprechaun said...

When do you get your head adjusted is what I want to know! LMBO!

Unknown said...


You ain't right!

It's my NECK that's causing issues, not my head, lol.


Lethal Leprechaun said...

In the Corps they taught me how to adjust necks real permanent like. Only takes one treatment and that lasts only a couple second and then your are all set- quite literally for the rest of your life.

Ya'll needs an appointment for a Marine neck adjustment just let me know.

Unknown said...


I could get a headache by merely contemplating a jarhead-c-spine adjustment.


By the way, last night I became the proud owner of a shiny, new Challenge Coin issued to me by the Commandant of the Marine Corps League - Longhorn Division.

I was also given two novels written by a Marine, who spent the near entirety of WWII in a Japanese prisoner of war camp.

One of the novels is titled, "The Secret Camera", and is signed by the author, in ball-point pen.

It's endorsed by Lt. Col. Oliver North, and ... I'm still stunned that the Commandant gave me a signed copy.

Both books are now two of my most treasured posessions.


Lethal Leprechaun said...

Yeah but do you have a challenge coin from the Impish Dragon himself?

I do!

Then again I have one ( someplace anyway)for Headquarters Marine Corps too given to me by the Commandant of the Corps (at that time)Gen Charles C. Krulak.

Still a challenge coin for Marine outfit given to a non-Marine is a great honor! Bravo Zulu Boot!

AS for Lt Col. North,it has been my privilege to meet him on 4 different occasions,3 of those in uniform and one of those 3 on a professional basis. Honestly though I suspect it was more memorable for me that it was for him and I have a signed copy of his Autobiography "Under Fire: An American Story" as well as copies of several other of his works both fiction and non fiction.

I have had the opportunity to hear him speak on the subject of 'America in the New Millennium' and would have sat through it again had their been an encore performance. Would that recording devices of any sort had been permitted!

Oh and don't worry about having a head ache after I do a C-spine adjustment for you. You won't have one any more in fact you won't have any pains at all. I'll be shocked and embarrassed if you can fell much of anything afterwards in fact!

Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to have a cuppa night time sleepy tea in one of your mugs that I'm becoming quite attached to!

Unknown said...


Happy to know you're enjoying the cuppa. See there? I'm good for something after all.

I'm really, really proud of the coin!

And though I've been a fan of Ollie North since forever, I'm feeling wayyyyy privileged to have a signed copy of at least one of Mr. Kirk's books.

I'd also like to meet his widow. She lives only a little south of me. Mr. Kirk passed away not long ago.

My only regret is that I couldn't show my gifts to my dad.


Lethal Leprechaun said...

What makes you think he (your Dad)can't see them?

Lethal Leprechaun said...

BTW with that Challenge Coin come a responsibility. There are rules that accompany the receipt/possession of one. To wit:

Challenge Coin Rules -

1. Rules of the coin game must be given or explained to all new coin holders.

2. The coin MUST be carried at all times. You can be challenged for it anywhere, at any time. You must produce the coin without taking more than 4 steps to produce it.

3. When challenging, the challenger must state whether it is for a single drink or a round of drinks.

4. Failure to produce a coin, for whatever reason, results in a bought round or single drink (whatever the challenger stated). This type of transaction could be expensive, so hold onto your coin. Once the offender (coinless challenger) has bought the drink or round, they can't be challenged again.

5. If all that are challenged produce their coins, the challenger loses and must buy the drinks for all respondents. This too can be expensive, so challenge wisely.

6. Under no circumstances can a coin be handed to another in response to a challenge. If a person gives their coin to another, that person can now keep the coin -- it's theirs!!! However, if a person places the coin down and another person picks it up to examine it, that is not considered giving and the examiner is honor-bound to place the coin back where they got it. The examiner can't challenge while they hold another's coin. After negotiating a "reasonable" ransom", the examiner must return the member's coin.

7. If a coin is lost, replacement is up to the individual. A new coin should be acquired at the earliest opportunity -- losing a coin and not replacing it doesn't relieve a member of his or her responsibilities. This is especially true if your fellow CPO's know that you traditionally carry a coin.

8. The coin should be controlled at all times. Giving a coin to just anyone is like opening a fraternity to just anyone. It is an honor to be given a coin, let's keep it that way. A given or awarded coin is of more personal value than a purchased


9. No holes may be drilled in a coin.

10. The above rules apply to anyone who is worthy to be given/awarded a coin, has a purchased coin, or who is known to be a previous coin holder.

Unknown said...


My thanks for the coin instructions! The Longhorns gave me an overview when they gave it to me, but I was so caught up in the dazzle, I admit I only caught bits of it.

I hadn't planned on drilling any holes in it, and I plan to keep it in the pouch it came in, until I find a soft material pouch to move it to.

I admit to laughing when they brought up the "rounds" challenge. I don't indulge in much other than coffee, ice water and an occasional soda. Whoever ends up having to buy my drink has got it made, lol.

I plan to hang onto it for the rest of my life, and upon my death, I'll make sure that it goes to my eldest nephew.

He went the Army route, but has enough Marine Corps heritage to give it the appreciation it deserves.


Lethal Leprechaun said...

Being up there near the stockyard I would imagine you can find a pouch made form the portion of the Steer that they use to store their Rocky Mountain Prairie Oysters in.

Suitably tanned they are very soft pouches and very sturdy ones too.

I have a cigar case that was covered in one as well as a tobacco pouch made from one that was lined with something

Unknown said...


I hadn't thought of looking for a pouch in the Stockyards, but it's a great idea. Thank you! :)

I'll check the shops there on my next outing, if I don't find one on a short trip to Oklahoma I'll be making in a couple of days.

I'm hoping I can find one with tribal beading on it.

I plan to include a picture of it in the article I post on the Longhorn Detatchment.

I realize I'm biased, but it's a really awesome coin. :)
