Saturday, March 31, 2012

It wasn't what I said, it's what He did ...

This is the last day for using my much-loved blogger dashboard.  Tomorrow it changes to something "new and improved" ... which is a crock.  I hate the new one.  It's confusing and not a bit blonde-friendly.

So, I thought I'd make good use of my last day with the one they're tossing into the scrap-heap after midnight tonight. (Sob!)

In regards to change.  I don't mind change, as long as it's a change for the better.

Last summer, I left full time funeral service and reduced my status to per-diem with the Double L, and accepted a position with a support agency for a ... I'll just say an expensive, high-end auto manufacturing company.  (That should keep me out of hot water with the powers that think-they-be.)  I liked the new position in many ways, but the best thing about it has been making friends with my colleagues there.

I was just beginning to feel like I was maneuvering safely through the new routine and turf, when the company that hired me sold out to another company.

Suddenly, many things changed, and many of us weren't thrilled with the changes.  One of the biggest changes, that I've not liked in the least, has been that we are suddenly being pushed to "sell."

In a nutshell, I hate sales, and would never have left the Double L for a sales position.  Not only do I hate sales, I can count the sales people I actually respect on two hands.  For the record, I know a whole lot of sales people. 
That's blunt, but honest.

I have good reason to have little respect for sales people in general.  It's because, en masse majority, they have little to no respect for the people they're trying to sell to. 

I don't mind the pitch.  It's the rebuttals I have issues with, and ergo the reason I say the majority of sales people have little to no respect for potential clients.  The problem is, if I said no, WHY are they giving me a rebuttal?  I can only assume they either have a pitiful command of the English language to not understand one of the most two simple words used in it, which are "Yes" and "No."

Therefore, if they don't speak English, why are they calling me?  And, if they DO speak English, then they're disrespecting me by giving me a rebuttal.  If they give the rebuttal, they've just made it clear, they have disregarded what I've said, as well as my wishes.  I don't mind to purchase a product I want, but no one likes to "be sold."
And so, I was faced with a new dilemma.  I was being pressed to increase my sales.  Pressed hard, and enough to cause me to fret about it.
Since I'm not a sales person, I'm an "offer" person, and fully respect a potential client's right to say "No", and understand what they said the first time, because I AM fluent in English (thanks to God and the US Military) .... it was a BIG dilemma.  I was left with two options for a solution.  Quit, or pray.

I chose to pray, and I did.  Not loud.  Not big, flowery and fancy, but definitely in earnest.

Thankfully, God DOES speak English, and He actually LISTENS, as well as cares about what His people tell Him. 

I'm very thankful Jesus isn't a sales rep.  He simply makes an offer.  We have a choice, without a rubuttal, to accept what He has to give, or go a separate way, and buy into something else.

I left a "warning" meeting, went to my desk, said my prayer, and within two hours, I had a sale.

I work an overnight shift.  Not a whole lot of folks are contacting me on that shift, and of those who do, it's a tiny minority that are calling about purchasing an additional service.  Not many folks are shopping in the middle of the night.  So, I have very few opportunities to offer a sale.

I imagine the powers that think-they-be will likely take credit for the change in my stats.  But, anyone with even a LITTLE bit of high-school or collegiate psyche and sales classes knows Zig Zigler's rah-rah when they hear it.  And, Mr. Zigler's little ploys, to snag and draw people in with keywords, are what I was told to employ.

I think I used one of them.  And, I think the word was "innovative".  But, using the verbage is not what made the customer buy.

As soon as my supervisor (who's been very fair to me, by the way, and by no means is my discomfort and angst caused by her, but higher up the ladder), wanted to know what I said to make it happen. 

I told her two reasons.  One, the customer was an Admiral, U.S. Navy.  I told him it was a privilege to have the opportunity to speak with him.  I thanked him for his service, and I was completely sincere about both.  Then, I explained what he had access too if he wished to make use of it.  He accepted.  Simple as that.

The other was, I'd prayed about it.  And, in short .... I didn't make a sale.  God simply pointed someone in my direction, who wanted what I offered at a fair price.  I didn't have to "sell" anything.  I laid it on the table and he bought it.

God's sent four more like that in the last three weeks.  Same scenario.  They wanted the service, and I didn't have to sell it.  I only had to explain what it is, how it works, and what it costs.

If I'm asked again, which I likely will be, about what I did to make it happen, I'll tell them the only method I have in regards to sales is prayer.

I prayed.  God delivered.

I went from zero sales in nearly five months, to five in less than three weeks.
Do I want a permanent career in sales?  Not hardly.  I want to keep on writing and make enough to bring in a good income with it.
Guess what else has happened in the last month ....

Not a 10 percent increase in revenue from my literature endeavors.  Not even a fifty percent increase.  Try a couple of hundred percent in increase. (Big smile!)

Know what else?  I've haven't even worked as hard at it during the last two months as I have the last twelve.  

I'm taking both at face value.  It seems God has me where He wants me, for now.  Things are smooth in one area while I transition to the other.  

Works for me. :)

Bishop Spencer K. McCool and Lady Joyce McCool
On a final note, the Lady Joyce McCool, wife of Bishop Spencer K. McCool, will be having a medical procedure next week.  A serious one.  I'm sure she and her loved ones will appreciate any prayer time you could spend with them in mind.

God bless you.  Thank you for the read.  I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and if you cross paths with a Veteran, please don't forget to thank them for their service. :)



Lethal Leprechaun said...

"I AM fluent in English (thanks to God and the US Military) ...."

You bloody well forgot to thank the TEACHERS who taught you to read right and speak (through that dread subject Vocabulary) English. SHAME!

I understand now why my prayers to win a portion of last nights Mega Millions went unanswered. He was exhausted from answering your sales & writing prayers!

Unknown said...


I don't think it was my prayers that kept Him busy.

I think it was the prayers of everyone buying tickets, lol.

And, I do apologize for leaving out my teachers, however, I was speaking very good English before I sat in any of their classes, lol.


Anonymous said...

That is wonderful !!

Unknown said...


Thank you much for the read and the comment.



Anonymous said...

Hello Femme,
A wonderful testament to prayer and Gods wonderful provision. It reminded me of a couple things. The first was to increase my prayer life as this week, I have been slightly slacking. The second thing is a reminder of how many times God has answered my prayers. Thank you for this. I needed to hear this tonight.
God bless you my dear friend and so happy for your blessings that you have encountered on your job. God is so good! All the time!

Unknown said...

Sunnie Girl,

Ditto, and back at ya!

Honestly, I sincerely thank you for the read and the encouragement!


Lethal Leprechaun said...

HEY! You cannot hide from the new interface forever!

Snap To Boot!

You don't have to like it & as a Marine (groupie) you have our inalienable right to grumble about it but you still have to shut up and soldier on just like the rest of us!

Unknown said...


I promise I'm not shying from the new interface ... yet.

I simply ran out of gas and have been in search of sleep.

Cross my heart, I'll show up and deal with it this evening, or tomorrow morning.

But, happy to see you're monitoring the situation, lol.


Anonymous said...

Your unwavering faith is encourageing for many of us to follow our dreams.

Please keep sharing your gift,

S. Elf

Unknown said...


God bless you, girl, and thank you so much for reading and commenting.

I sincerely appreciate that you show interest and are always encouraging me with my literary endeavors.

It means more than I could ever adequately convey thanks for!
